Feb 22 - Simple Guide for Weeding Out Your Clothes Closet - GON in 5 Minutes Newsletter - Get Organized Now

Published: Tue, 02/22/22

Get Organized Now!
Daily Newsletter
By Maria Gracia
February 22, 2022

We respect your time. This newsletter will take 3.19 minutes to read.

  Organizing Thought of the Day

A Simple Guide for
Weeding Out Your Clothes Closet

Is your clothes closet stuffed to the max? How do you decide what to keep and what to part with? Here is a simple guide:

1. It's too big or too small. Get it out of your closet and donate it so that someone who DOES fit into it can wear it. Live in the 'now.'

2. You don't like it. This is a no-brainer. Get rid of it today.

3. It's stained. If you really like the garment but can't wear it because it's stained, spend some time this week getting that stain washed out. If you can't get the stain out, bring the garment to your local dry cleaner. If they can't get the stain out and there's no other way for you to hide the stain (such as a patch or accessory) then bite the bullet and part with this piece of clothing.

4. It's ripped or torn, a hem needs to be sewn, or it needs to be altered to fit. Either repair it yourself, have someone else repair it, or get rid of it if the price of the repair is not worth it. Make one of these choices today, rather than allowing this damaged item to take up precious space in your closet.

5. It's a wear-once outfit. If you have a wedding dress, prom dress, tuxedo, or other wear-once dress in your closet, you have an emotional decision to make. If you can't bear to part with these items because they bring back happy memories, then you may have to just keep them. However, if you have photographs of yourself in the wear-once outfit and that's good enough for you, consider parting with it so that someone else can make his or her own good memories in that outfit. On the other hand, if they bring back bad memories, by all means get rid of them. Bring them to a consignment shop, sell them at your next garage sale, or donate them.

6. It's a special occasion outfit. If you have an outfit that you'll only wear if you plan to attend a special occasion, like a wedding or baptism, keep it. But only if a) you love it, b) it fits, c) it's in good condition. If you never or rarely attend a special occasion, why not set a special date with your spouse or a friend and make up your own special occasion dinner?

7. It may come back in fashion. This is a bad reason to keep an outfit. It could take years before clothes come back in fashion (if they ever do). What if there's a theme party someday? You can likely recreate the look by visiting a few local thrift shops. Don't keep things based on 'what if.'

8. You don't have anything to match it. Perhaps you have a shirt that you love, but can't seem to find pants to match it--or vice versa. Make it a point to go shopping this weekend in search of that perfect match. Remember, neutral colors such as black, brown, beige and gray go well with most other colors. You might even want to bring the piece you have to the store with you and have a sales clerk help you find a good match. Try the mall, so you can get assistance from several different stores before you make your choice. You'll be thrilled that you can finally wear that shirt that's been sitting in your closet.

9. You never wear it because 'it's too nice to wear.' Please, if anything meets this category, wear it. Here's a paradigm switch. Whatever it is, 'it's too nice to hang in your closet or sit in your drawers unused and unloved.'

P.S. If you allow it, the 'clutter monster' will take over your home and your life. Take back control and say Goodbye Clutter today!

  This Week's Recommendation

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for Those You Love and
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  Take Action

___ 1. Do today's task on my February Monthly Organizing Checklist. The February 22 TO DO focuses on old magazines. Visit GetOrganizedNow.com to access my February Monthly Organizing Checklist.

___ 2. Remove a clothing stain. Do you have a shirt in your closet that you love, but never wear because it's stained? Work on getting that stain out today.

___ 3. Help your child or grandchild be more organized. Visit GetOrganizedNow.com to access my Kids and Family Article, This is a Big Factor in Helping Kids Get Organized


'There is no reason to have something taking up space in your closet that does not make you feel good. These items must go. Perhaps you like to torture yourself by trying on some jeans from a few years ago to see if you can button them. Clothes do not exist to humiliate their owners. Please do not force garments into performing psychological tasks for which they were not designed.' (Tim Gunn)

  In Closing

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And remember...there's no better time to get organized, than to Get Organized Now!


Maria Gracia
Get Organized Now!

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-- Maria

(c) Copyright 2022 by Maria Gracia, Get Organized Now!

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-- Maria Gracia