Get rid of a perfume or cologne you have that gives you headaches when you wear it, even if you paid "good money for it." Either donate it or dump it. Chalk it up to experience.
GON Reader Organizing Tips and Ideas
GON Reader Idea #1
This lets everyone know where things go
I use green painter’s tape in my refrigerator to label different shelves. This lets everyone know where things go. I just stick it on the edge of the shelf. It’s easy to change and remove with no
My labels include pickles, olives, and salsa, sweet things like jams and syrup, sauces, and sandwich fixings.
-- Sara Lee Herrington
GON Reader Idea #2
The one thing that has helped me with going paperless with our bills
Your newsletter from April 14 rang true for me. My husband likes paper and I am trying to go paperless with our bills.
The one thing that has helped me is I made up a spreadsheet that has the 12 months across the top and the bills that will need to be paid down the left, with 3 lines for each bill (total amount due, amount paid and date paid).
At the beginning of each month I sit down and and go through my bills, either online or paper. I then enter the amount that is owed, amount paid (if I'm not going to be paying the entire amount) and date paid or set to be paid on my spreadsheet.
I program that payment and note the confirmation number.
I do pay all online and file the paper or payment confirmation email in the appropriate place. I can look in one place and see what I am spending per month or per account with ease.
It has taken a while to get this set up, but now I use the same spreadsheet each year.
-- Lisa in Ct.
GON Reader Idea #3
One more suggestion for trophies and medals
Good morning Maria!
I have one more suggestion for the trophies and medals in your April 28 issue. I am a seamstress and I use a lot of pattern weights.
When our daughters did not want the majority of their trophies, I removed the plastic figure from the top and now use the marble bases as weights.
The medals could be stacked and glued together to make weights also.
-- Barbara Grace
"Thanks so much for the tips in your GON in 5 Minutes Ezine!"
-- Julie Stevens
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-- Thanks! Maria
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