GON Reader Idea #1
Old-School Way of Keeping Up With Outstanding Issues
For those who still enjoy using paper and pen, here is my old-school way of keeping up with outstanding issues on a legal pad or in a notebook
In the left margin, draw a line. Then write the task.
___ Call Joy with part # for ticket 121731
Subsequent tasks should be entered every other line so there is room for notes/progress
A blank line indicates that NO action has been taken (as shown above)
When some action has been taken, but it still needs follow-up, indicate it this way:
_/_ Call Joy with part # for ticket 121731 - Left msg for her to call me 2:30pm
When task is completed, add another line so it’s now crossed off the list
_X_ Call Joy with part # for ticket 121731 - Left msg for her to call me 2:30pm. Gave info at 3pm.
At a glance you can see what you haven’t started, have in progress, or have completed.
This is easy to continue the next day.
When the list is full or nearly full, start a new list bringing open tasks forward.
If a notebook is used, this will create a history if you need to look up a detail about a completed task.
This works for job-related responsibilities or personal tasks to complete.
-- Joy East
GON Reader Idea #2
How I Took Advantage of the Free/Give Away Weekend in My City
Last weekend was "Free or Give Away Weekend" in my city.
I put out some really old games my kids (now in their fifties) played with and they were snapped up right away. I am glad that someone else will get to enjoy them and there is more room in my hall closet now.
Also, my kids and grandkids prefer money or gift cards now. So all the gift bags, wrapping paper, and bows went to to someone who can use them.
-- Rosalind
GON Reader Idea #3
No Need to Fold or Store Bed Linens
When I wash and dry bed linens, I put them right back on the bed. No need to fold or store!
-- Charlotte Bland