I sorted through all my plastic containers, matching containers, and lids a couple of years ago. Pieces without mates were tossed or used for other
purposes around the house (such as drawer organizers).
Last week I went to the shelf where my container collection lives, and the first container I picked to use did not appear to have a matching lid. Neither did the second one I picked up. How did this happen?
Honestly, I have no idea, but I looked all around and could not find one. So today, there was a rematch.
I pulled out all the containers and all of the lids. Many were easy; I have a set with many interchangeable covers, which I love. They were not the problem.
But I still have other miscellaneous ones, some large rectangular ones, some deep square ones, and a few round ones. Most are inexpensive, left over from one
thing or another.
And the rematch began. I divided things by size and shape. It was not a long process, and I did it while watching TV. By the time I finished, I had three
bottoms without lids and two lids that did not fit on any bases.
These were not expensive storage containers; life is too short to worry about a few errant lids.
Extra containers were evaluated for potential usefulness. A medium-sized square one now holds socks in a drawer. A small round one contains pins in the sewing room.
I think there is a lesson here. Matching mates of containers or other items is not a once-and-done job. Half of a pair can still go AWOL.
Tomorrow there may be a rematch for socks or earrings.