One of the very best ways to stay encouraged and motivated while organizing is to reward yourself as you complete tasks and projects.
Having rewards in place will give you something to look forward to and help propel you to completion.
No cheating allowed, of course. Only accept the reward once the goal has been reached. Also, the rewards should be comparable to the effort you put in.
Here are a few ways I use rewards on a daily basis:
1. I completed writing two upcoming newsletters...about an hour's worth of work. After a focused writing project, I usually like to reap a reward that will give my eyes, and brain, a brief rest.
I might go outside for a walk, call a friend, sit down and allow myself meditation time, have a peaceful and mindful cup of tea, or even stop out to purchase some fresh flowers to enjoy in my office.
I always set my timer...and don't even think about my next project until the timer sounds.
2. My family hosted a rummage sale. It was successful, but definitely used up some energy.
Since we got rid of a whole bunch of stuff we weren't using, our reward was using the money earned on something we will use: concert tickets for the family.
Best yet, the reward won't clutter our home!
3. As long as I follow through on all my business priority TO DOs each week, I allow myself a Friday afternoon off to work on scrapbooking or vacation travel plans.
4. After I go grocery shopping and put all the groceries away, I'm ready to relax for at least 30 minutes. I reward myself with time to scroll through Facebook or Pinterest before starting another task.
5. For really heavy-duty, time-consuming projects, like the work I put in trimming back all of our perennials last weekend, I rewarded myself with a hot shower afterwards, no work the rest of the day, and we went out to eat that night.
Always have something to look forward to. Reward yourself for your efforts. It can make a huge difference in how much you get done, will allow you to better balance work and fun throughout the day, and will give you that pat on the back that we, as humans, all need in our lives.