My family is enjoying our personal harvest of tomatoes, basil, parsley, kale, and peppers this year. We grew all of these in containers on our
Besides the tasty treats this mini-garden has provided to us this season, I see gardening as self-care and an inexpensive version of therapy. It helps to engage all of our senses and
allows us to stay in the present moment.
My family lives in Wisconsin. As the fall weather approaches, the outdoor container garden will be done until spring. I'll miss it.
But, there are plenty of gardening activities that can be completed during the off-months. As fall approaches, and winter follows, it's a wonderful time of the year to plan ahead.
This time can be used to research plants, providing plenty of time to peruse books and web sites. It's also prime time to join gardening groups in person or on social media, or watch YouTube
We can also use the colder months to make plans and gather supplies to start seeds indoors, to later be transplanted in an outdoor garden or container garden.
Of course, there are plenty of indoor plants we can tend to year round. I have some of my favorites in my kitchen...a few succulents, an orchid a friend gave to me years ago, and herbs on my window
Continuing the "gardening mindset" throughout the year, for me, is a wonderful form of self-care and a source of joy.