Reader Letter #1
Don't be afraid to cross something off
Thank you for all the tips you send each day. Since you started listing the
one thing for each day, I don't think I've missed opening even one. Always something helpful!
And it reminds me that getting things done doesn't require big swaths of time.
Here's a tip for TO DO lists. I use checklists on my computer. As an author, creating a book, publishing it, and then marketing requires multiple details. It's easy to forget things.
But one thing I noticed over time was that specific things consistently got put off or shuffled around in priority. I realized that those things simply weren't important or even necessary.
I am now going through my checklists looking for items that I routinely omit.
I put them there in the first place because I thought they "should" be done, but they aren't actually necessary.
So my advice is when using a list, don't be afraid to cross off something if you haven't done it. Ask yourself why you put it on the list and if it has to be done here, done now, or done by you.
-- Kayelle Allen
Reader Letter #2
How I keep track of presents for my children and grandchildren
I still get presents for my two children, five grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren for birthdays, Christmas and Easter.
I use a spreadsheet listing each person in the first column, the gift in the second column, from whom I purchased, e.g., Amazon, in the third column, and the price in the fourth column. If there’s an expected delivery date, I include that as well.
The spreadsheet keeps track of the total amount spent, so I always know where I stand in relationship to my budget.
Also, I update and highlight the gift (and cost) in green when delivered and in red when I’ve wrapped the gift.
I can tell at a glance what the situation is with
each gift for each person. Hope this tip helps someone else!
-- Jean Myers, Columbus, Ohio
Reader Letter #3
Digital photo organizing, and sharing, idea
In response to your August 11 issue, thanks for the photo organization tips, Maria.
Another thing that I have done is to scan my best or favorite photos and put in an online photo album like Snapfish. Then I have a lovely coffee table book.
I have done this with my travel photos. Each overseas trip I sort my digital photos into folders by date and day, then pick the best 100 (sometimes out of thousands!!) then put them into a digital photo album and get the printed version sent to me.
It's a great way of sharing my travel adventures with friends.
-- Allison Thomas, Adelaide, Australia