Anne, one of my GON Readers recently wrote to me and asked, "Do any of your readers collect articles on throwing stuff out?! This is from September 22, 1992!"
The above photo was attached to her note.
LOL! Her note made my day. But it also made me curious.
If you save articles and have been doing so for years...organizing, quilting, cooking, technical, etc., I would love to hear from you.
Reply back and let me know the type of articles you're saving, how long you've been collecting them, how you're storing them, and if you ever refer to them...or if they've been sitting in a filing cabinet, binder, or box for years. I'll include these stories in an upcoming issue.
Also, just a quick reminder that some information is timeless. It can be just as useful today as it was 20 years ago...or not!
If you collect articles for your home, business, or general knowledge, set aside some time in your schedule to revisit them. Keep what is still useful, scan/digitize them if you want to save physical space, and weed out what you no longer need.