I have been seeing an interesting word recently:
Lagom. It is Swedish, pronounced "la-gum," and is a philosophy or concept of "just right." Just right in the Goldilocks sense...not too much, not too little. Just right.
It is a
philosophy that encourages balance in all areas of our lives. It is not only work-life balance. It is living in harmony with the earth and letting go of the need for more and more and more.
Lagom is being satisfied.
Work-life balance is an enormous problem for many people. There is so much competition and striving. There is competition to get to the top, and to make lots of money, often at the price of personal relationships.
Maybe sometimes our focus is wrong. Perhaps we don't need to be top dog if we like our position. One man I know turned down the opportunity to be head of his medical department because it took him away from what he enjoyed,
seeing patients.
He knew he would not like the committee meetings, hiring and firing, budgets, etc., even though it would have paid much more. He knew what satisfied him and allowed time
with his family.
It includes taking time with others. There is another Swedish word often found in articles describing Lagom. That word is Fika. It essentially means coffee break, but more in the sense of the term "break" than we usually give it.
We may think of a coffee break as a quick cup from the office pot, downed before we take on the next task. In Sweden, however, it means sitting down for a few minutes with family or friends, enjoying your coffee and maybe a sweet snack,
and having a real break from work.
Lagom has a social awareness aspect. Just as we teach our children not to take more than their fair share of cookies, the practice of Lagom includes
not hoarding (think toilet paper during the height of Covid) so that all may have some. It entails simple good manners and respect for others.
Lagom can be considered in health and fitness too. It means not overdoing. Not working out to the point of overuse injury or total exhaustion. It is allowing
yourself a recovery day.
Regarding eating, it is neither stuffing yourself to the point of discomfort nor sticking to such a restrictive diet that you are miserable. Find the happy medium
of satisfaction and feeling just right.
Lagom contains an environmental, nature-centered aspect too. It means taking what you need to live without over-consuming our natural resources. Live sustainably. Compost food scraps. Turn off lights when you leave the room.
The practice of Lagom also encourages us to get out into and appreciate nature. Take the time to enjoy the natural world.
Lagom fits right in with the concepts of decluttering and making things tidy. It's not severe minimalism nor excess stuff in every room.
I love the concept of Lagom because it can be a part of all aspects of our
lives. It is moderation in all things. That can take a lot of pressure off how we live our lives.
Sweden is considered to be among the world's happiest countries. Maybe the concept of Lagom
has something to do with that. I think it is a lifestyle worth trying.