Every year in December, I go on an annual crafting retreat with my girlfriends. There are eight of us total. We rent out a retreat house and enjoy four days of crafting, conversation, eating, and relaxing. It's glorious and I look forward to it every year.
As I was organizing some of my crafting supplies last week, I thought to myself, "I better post a message in our retreat Facebook group so we can start organizing for our retreat later this year." I did post that message, and the organizing is in full swing.
We're already discussing this year's theme, the meals each of us will be preparing, what we'll be working on, games we'll be playing, and so on.
This post also acts as a reminder so that everyone can begin printing out the photos they want to scrapbook, or getting the materials and patterns together for the quilts they want to make, or simply figuring out what they plan to work on this year so they can begin making sketches, lists,
Yes, it's only July. But as we all know, time flies...and especially once summer is over and fall (along with the fall and winter holidays) begins. So, preparing now gives us plenty of time to arrive at the retreat house in December in a stress-free, happy, organized manner.
This concept doesn't only apply to crafting retreats though. It applies to preparing for the back-to-school season, a vacation you may be taking, getting your home packed for a move, handling your TO DOs for an upcoming wedding, a business project or event you're coordinating at work, a fundraiser you're
responsible for, gifts you plan to make and give...or practically anything.
If you're thinking to yourself, "it's too early to start planning or working on this," save yourself any future stress.
No matter what it is, it's never too early to start. The earlier, the better. This way, you can get it done a tiny bit at a time.