Hi Maria,
Here are a few ideas...
1. Even though I am retired and lucky enough to see my son and his family at least weekly, I did want to stay in touch with all of my friends that I used to be able to see in person.
I made a list and I check it regularly. I send a mass email to them all with a brief message of what I'm up to and that I hoped they were doing well and could enjoy
a laugh or two. I often include a couple of jokes and cartoons.
Sometimes I just get a thumbs up back or just a sentence. Sometimes I get a phone call or text.
2. One thing I did when we were in total lockdown was to record myself reading kids books for my grandsons and sending them to their parents to play for them. This was a big hit.
3. My biggest problem has been working on my projects as much as I think I should. I still think I should be Wonder Woman!
So I started a list of things I want to do every day and then add two other small steps or projects. It pays to be a self-starter.
4. Finally, I wanted to write letters to my grandsons that they could have to read when they grow up and I'm no longer around. I was not very consistent until one day it dawned on me that I should write something every month on the day they were born.
So I write a letter to Ryan on the 14th or every month and to Lucas on the 28th. It's on my calendar and I don't have to think about it.
Anyway, I enjoy your work and hope you keep it up!
-- Marie Fritzinger