There is no doubt that sometimes life gets stressful. Everything seems to be going fine and then...bam! Something happens.
Perhaps the refrigerator decides to die...the same week that your dryer decides to konk out. This happened to a friend of mine last week and she wasn't happy, to sat the least.
Maybe you just learned that the retail store you've been working at for years is going to be closing its doors in a month. This just happened to someone I know as well. She'll be looking for a new job, of course, but this sudden news was unexpected.
When you feel your stress levels are rising, it's best to reset and calm down. Doing so helps you proceed with your next steps...whether that is making a call to a repair person, shopping for a new appliance, updating your resume, or whatever you have to do to get past the challenge you're
Slow down. Stop. Close your eyes. Breathe.
Box breathing involves slowing the breath by following a specific, simple pattern. Visualize a square in your mind. Each step is one line in the square.
- Top of the square: Inhale for four counts (slowly count 1, 2, 3, 4)
- Right side of the square: Hold your breath for four counts (feel your belly expand with air)
- Bottom of the square: Exhale for four counts
- Left side of the square: Pause for four counts
Be mindful as you're doing this, thinking about every breath you take.
You can do this sitting or standing, but remember to relax your shoulders.
Repeat as needed.
Each square that you complete will bring you once step closer to calm.