GON Reader Letter #1
Saving time and steps
Hi Maria,
I love your newsletter and get so many useful tips from you.
Since I've split
with my husband, I've had a lot of sorting and packing to do. Best move for me.
Your tips and tricks have helped me so much in letting go of treasures...but taking pictures of them first.
Today's message (your July 17 issue) hits home as I go from room to room with a tape measure and a screwdriver.
I sit down and decide which room to work in, planning it out, saving time and steps.
I do this when shopping already, planning my route before I leave the house, but this issue was a good reminder to do this inside the house as well.
Thank you,
-- Marge
GON Reader Letter #2
Preparing for tomorrow, today
I wear a suit to work every
day. I get up at 05:30, and leave the house at 06:45. I always get my clothes out the night before.
This is the only way I can ensure everything matches and I save substantial time each morning. You know...black belt with black
shoes, clean under garments, and matching socks.
I am often complimented on my appearance, and it is a result of me taking the extra time the night before to ensure everything matches and there are no wrinkles, or worse yet stains, on my clothing.
While I am tired when I arrive home from the office, this works for me and I know it will work for others.
--Bill Carpenter, San Diego, CA
GON Reader Letter #3
I rarely
forget anything important now
My husband and I live and work in Derbyshire, England and all other members of our family and our friends, live near Edinburgh, Scotland. The distance
is 300 miles, not much by American standards, but a five hour drive in the UK.
We visit as often as we can, normally once every 4-6 weeks. In the past, I often found myself arriving at my in-laws house having forgotten to pack something important, for example Grandad's birthday card and present or a
promised magazine with recipe or knitting pattern, etc.
I solved this dilemma; no, not by improving my memory, but by leaving a grocery bag, the large supermarket totes that can be
recycled, in the hallway.
Gradually over the 4-6 weeks, I toss in promised papers and magazines, wrapped birthday presents, and written cards. On the day that we leave to travel, I also add
bits and pieces from the fridge...things that need to be used up quickly and organic vegetables too fresh to toss.
I pack these first into a small insulated bag kept for the purpose. I rarely forget anything important now and the fridge is sweet smelling on our return.
-- Maggie Fairley, Derby, Derbyshire, UK