GON Reader Letter
I do this as soon as I get home...
When taking my shoes off after retuning home from work, I polish them immediately. This brings them back to their original shining stage in no time.
I am then relaxed and confident that I can go out anytime on the shortest of notice.
--Umesh Ch Pant
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
Umesh is a computer professional with passions in physical fitness, writing,
music, and adventure traveling.
GON Reader Letter #2
How I keep kid artwork and graded papers organized...and keep the clutter at bay
When they empty out their backpacks, I look over their artwork and graded papers, and then have them immediately file them in their specific file folders.
During the holiday break, we go through each child's folder,
only keeping the best items. We do this again at the end of the year.
When school gets out for the summer, I put the "keepers" into a large envelope labeled with the class year. The packet is then transferred into the child's own plastic covered bin for safekeeping and placed in storage for another
-- Lucy Pivonka, Hillsboro, NH
GON Reader Letter #3
To save more time in the morning...
To save more time in the morning, flossing isn't necessary if it was done the night before. Flossing typically only needs to be done once a day and it makes sense to do it at the end of the day so that any particles aren't sitting in your teeth overnight.
Then only brushing needs to be done in the morning, saving more time.
Thanks for your newsletters. I enjoy them!
--Donna Carlson