GON Reader Letter
Prayerfully Considering Someone's Request
Good morning, Maria!
Your article on making decisions is right on! I think everyone has
fallen into a black hole at some point in their life after saying “yes” to a request. I like your response suggestions.
Oprah had a fabulous one years ago—her response was to the effect of,
“I need to talk to Jesus about this and I’ll get back to you.” I’ve had very good luck with that one—it tells the asker that you’ll prayerfully consider their request, takes the pressure off, and when you get back to them, they know they were taken seriously.
Love your
-- Gail Miller
GON Reader Letter #2
"Cool", Not "Cook"
Good morning,
Enjoyed reading your October 30 newsletter for other uses for my slow
cooker. I just wanted to let you know that I think you meant to type "cool" first in #4 regarding nuts. -- Linda
Response from Maria Gracia: You are absolutely correct. Darn...sorry I missed that typo! You should definitely allow the nuts to "cool" completely; not "cook" completely.
GON Reader Letter #3
Add a Little Humor
Thank you for your October 23rd, 5 Ways to be a Good Human Being article. May I suggest adding humor? A little humor can really brighten everyone's day, sometimes far more than you expect. Case in point...
A couple of years ago, I was in the queue at the chemist's, behind an older lady. I was being patient while she collected about ten different medicines, each of which needed a little paperwork.
As she chatted to the assistant I learned that her broken leg had healed properly. The doctor wanted her to walk more, but she found it very hard to get motivated.
I said, "What you need is a nice young man to chase."
I thought it was worth a little smile, but she rolled up and cackled, "Me?! Chase a young man! At my age!"
I was taken aback to have made her so happy with so little effort on my part. She was still chortling as she left. "Chase a young man! Me!"
All the best,
-- Sheila