Do you ever get discouraged about getting organized
because you don't think you have enough time? Many people have started exactly where you are. The truth is that it doesn't take lots of time for every organizing task.
In fact, here are 10 organizing tasks that you can complete in about 2 minutes. Let's take a "two minute at a time" organizing
1. Weed out ONE drawer or cabinet. Just pick one. Open it, get rid of anything that doesn't belong in it, and tidy it a bit.
2. Sort out the medicine chest. Take just two minutes and go through the contents of your medicine chest. Now is the time to toss out expired makeup and to eliminate expired medicines. Don't just throw the meds into the garbage or flush them. Check with your pharmacist for how to safely dispose of both over-the-counter and prescription medications.
3. Clear coffee table clutter. Are the contents of your coffee table threatening to topple like a house of cards? It will only take two minutes to make it better. Go through magazines and toss into your recycle bin. Be ruthlessly brutal in your culling. If you can't immediately remember why you saved it, toss it. The same goes for
4. Feeling fuzzy about the fridge? Every one of us sometimes ends up with a science experiment or two in our fridge. We all have good intentions when it comes to re-using the leftovers but in the hustle and bustle of everyday living, we forget all about them. Take two
minutes and pull every container of mystery food out. Way past its eating prime? Send it down the disposal or into the compost bin if you garden and use compost.
5. Straighten out the sock drawer. Occasionally we let the contents of our sock drawers get more than a bit jumbled up.
It will take about two minutes to straighten things out. First, do yourself a favor and put in a sock drawer divider. Then simply fold up
the socks and put one pair into each section of your divider. 6. Make the nightstand look nice. Sometimes we are busy and it seems easier to pile it "for now" and put away later. But doing so often turns into even more procrastination and/or invites more clutter. Take two
minutes and clear off your nightstand. Leave only what you absolutely need such as tissues, hand lotion, an alarm clock, eyeglasses, and a book, for example.
7. Pick it up AND Put it away. Wouldn't you love to wake up to order tomorrow morning? Spend just two minutes at night in
one room before going to bed. Pick up out of place items and put them where they belong. You will really appreciate having spent that time the next morning when you can wake to an orderly calm room. Think about how wonderful it can be when you're Finally Organized, Finally Free. 8. Know what you're going to wear tomorrow. Sometimes even the smallest task can seem
monumental when you are already rushed. If you take just two minutes at night to put together an outfit for the next day, it will make a world of difference in the morning.
9. Coupon clutter keeping you from saving? Are your coupons a jumbled mess of expired and invalid? Having
trouble finding ones that haven't expired? Take two minutes and sort through every coupon. Toss out the expired ones. The next time you are at the grocery store you will be able to sort through and find valid coupons for those items you've bought. Two minutes equals less clutter and more money in your pocket--a great equation no matter how you figure it!
10. Do a 2-minute email clean-out. Think you can't clear out much email in 2-minutes? Try it. Set your timer and begin deleting. You can probably delete a ton of messages without even opening them...just by glancing at the subject lines.