GON Reader Photo
Fall Beauty
One of my GON Readers, Daneen Gunter, submitted the gorgeous fall
photo above that she took on a recent trip to Canada. It's the Chateau Le Frontenac in Quebec City, Canada. Such a nice shot and always happy to hear when a GON Reader is doing something enjoyable!
If you have a photo you'd like to share, just reply and send it to me with your name and any other information you'd like included.
GON Reader Letter #1
Have Your Diamond Checked
Your recent suggestion to have your diamond checked is a good one. My daughter lost her diamond and hadn't had it appraised in awhile, so the insurance company wouldn't cover it, even though they had a rider. It cost $5,000.00 thirty years ago.
-- Sharon Perry
GON Reader Letter #2
Using it All Up
Hello Maria,
I have been cutting tubes to get to the last of what’s in them for years. It started so many years ago that I don’t even know how long I’ve been doing this. I know I started with toothpaste tubes and grew from there.
I have shared this with so many friends and am always surprised they don’t want to bother.
It is so worth it. Your readers are intelligent and I hope they all start cutting tubes and digging out the last in jars.
I might add I do the same in the kitchen and I clean out the last of what’s in jars, containers, and cans.
The liquids are added to my cooking if they can be rinsed. Cans of vegetables that are drained off are saved, frozen, and used when cooking soups.
Thank you, Maria, for sharing this one with your readers.
-- Marlene Wagner, Bismarck, North
GON Reader Letter #3
No More Guessing Which Way the Plug Goes in the Outlet
I keep a bottle of nail polish in my
kitchen. I use it to paint the “top” of electrical plugs of all my appliances once they are plugged into the outlet. Then there is no guessing which way the plug goes into the outlet. It saves me some frustration.
-- Janet Davis