GON Reader Letter
I Save Money and Never Have Expired Coupons
When I clip coupons, I put them in envelopes by month, e.g., I now have envelopes for November, December, and January. When I go grocery shopping, I look through each envelope for coupons that I can use on my shopping trip.
When "November" is over, I will make that envelope "February." This way, I never have expired coupons unless I haven't used all of November by the end of the month. Works like a charm!
-- Jean Myers
GON Reader Letter
A Gift Idea for the Person Who "Has Everything"
A gift idea, especially for the person who seems to have everything: a donation to their church in their honor, to a special fundraising event, or to a cause they support.
The organization will often send a note to the recipient, but you can always include that information in your own note to the honoree.
-- Pamela Wise
GON Reader Letter
Just a Story to Make You Smile
Hi Maria,
In relation to your November 13 issue, my mother made a white
dress with great big cherries and their stems on different places on the skirt part of the dress. She made one for herself, me, and my two sisters. We looked great when all four of us wore them.
BUT, my youngest sister got really sick and tired of that dress by the time she wore all FOUR of them. I think, if I asked her today, she would still remember that dress. I thought you'd like a good laugh!
Please keep these wonderful and informative emails coming. You do such good work.
-- Margaret Buzzard, Laurel, MD