Life can be chaotic. We probably all have things that need to be done that at times can seem overwhelming. There are ways, however, to switch from chaos to calm
and help to put us back in control.
1. An overflowing laundry basket: Laundry has a sneaky way of piling up. One day the laundry basket seems to be under control and the next it can be a mountainous heap of dirty laundry demanding your attention.
To keep ahead of things, invest in a laundry sorter. A laundry sorter will allow you to keep colors and lights separate so that you can see at a glance when a load needs to be done and will save you the trouble of having to sort the laundry before you throw a load in.
2. Piles of mail. So much of the mail that makes it into our homes are things that we really don’t need or want. Advertisements and other pieces of junk mail do not even deserve a spot on your countertop.
Keep a small bin in your kitchen, office, or garage where you can immediately toss these unwanted pieces of mail before they pile up in your home. Empty this bin into your large recycle bin as needed for pick-up. 3. Apps overload. Having apps on your phone and/or smart TV is great...until they become so full of apps that your devices become overloaded and slow way down.
Take a look through your apps and keep only the ones that you really use. Freeing up space will simplify things for you are well as help your electronic devices run more smoothly.
4. Declutter your desk. Having a desk full of clutter when you are trying to work or pay bills is never a good idea.
Keep a clean work space by
putting all pens and pencils in a pen cup. Recycle any unneeded papers and file those that you do need. Organize any and all computer cords with zip ties or rubber bands to help your desk stay neat and easier to work at. 5. Organize your wallet. Wallets have a way of turning into much more than just a place to hold money. Receipts, credit cards, loyalty cards, coupons, and whatever else we shove in there often leave us fumbling at the checkout lanes to find what we need.
Take stock of what you are carrying around with you in your wallet. How many credit cards do you really need with you? Take only what you need with you and keep the rest in a safe place at
Use an app to scan loyalty cards so you can lighten up your wallet...or just provide the store with your phone number and have them look it up.
Put coupons you need in an envelope, rather than your wallet.
Keep receipts all together in a specific place at home as well so that if you need them they are easy to locate.
The less you carry with you the better organized you will be.