GON Reader Letter #1
3 Things Every College Dorm Student Needs
My daughter and her friends in college
said everyone should have duct tape, WD-40, and a hammer. If it moves and shouldn’t, use the duct tape. If it should move and doesn’t,
use WD-40 and smack it with the hammer! -- Gail
P.S. to Gail from Maria Gracia: This post cracked me up! Thanks for making me smile!
GON Reader Letter #2
Cross Stitch Magazines Now...and Later
Dear Maria,
I have saved all issues of Cross Stitch and Country Crafts magazine which is
no longer in print. About once a year, I take them out of their box and look through each storage binder for new project ideas. It's like visiting an old friend.
When I am no longer able to
stitch in many years (most stitchers reach a point where they cannot see the small detail needed to stitch), I plan to sell them as a set. Due to the demand that I see on Facebook, I think there will still be a valid market for these magazines.
Otherwise, I save important craft articles in a
folder on my hard drive labeled "CrossStitch."
Thanks for all you do!
-- Karen Tarpley, Richmond,
P.S. for anyone who does cross stitch/needlepoint, be sure you're always enjoying your hobby in sufficient lighting. Here is a light that may help.
GON Reader Letter #3
Keeping My Loft Organized
Every year, l review the contents of the loft in our home to see if anything can be moved on. The loft is divided into zones: Memorabilia (His/Hers), Documents, Christmas, Travel, etc.
All boxes are labelled on the sides as well as the top, as stuff gets moved about as needed. Also, anything that is mentioned in my will is labelled and who it goes to.
The loft contents are listed and placed on a clipboard in the loft itself, in case l forget what is there. Hope this tip is useful to someone!
-- Trish Millman, United Kingdom