We all know that being organized makes life so much
easier, but how do you incorporate this into your everyday life without it becoming another chore in itself? Just apply these seven habits. Once they become second nature, they will help your day go more smoothly.
1. Waking
Throw back the bedcovers and open a window to air your bed and bedroom. Once you have given time for these to freshen up, make your bed.
2. Laundry Rather than having
each family member put clothes to be washed into a bedroom clothes hamper, have them sort clothes right into the laundry sorter in the
laundry room. As soon as laundry is completed, put it away. 3. Meals/Groceries
Get into the habit of thinking ahead and roughly plan meals for the week. Add any items you need to your shopping list.
Put your shopping list somewhere where it will be readily available. As you run out of anything, it can be added to the list. Get other members of your household into the habit of adding to this list too.
4. Calendar
Put any dates into your calendar as soon as you get them or are informed of appointments or commitments from anyone else you live with. Make sure this is accessible for everyone to see and add to. Try displaying a weekly or monthly plan, either printed or on a whiteboard using different colors for each person, or you could have a common digital calendar shared between all family members.
5. Arriving Home
Have a designated area for everyone to remove and store their outerwear. Dirty shoes are best cleaned immediately. Coats should be hung up nearby on pegs or in the coat closet.
6. Planning for tomorrow
Take a moment or two to consult your planner. Check if any equipment or items are needed for the morning and decide which clothes each person wants to wear. Put anything you don't want to forget near to the front door ready to
7. Before bedCast your eye around your living and eating areas. Empty trash containers, wash and dry the dishes or put the dishwasher on, wipe down all surfaces, and transport anything out of place to its home. Finally, set the table for breakfast.