Reader Letter #1
Where to Donate Craft Supplies
Regarding donating craft supplies, I know these places are always happy to receive craft donations:
- Schools
- Senior centers
- Women and childrens shelters
-- Pamela Fowler, After-school director, wife, mother, grandmother, sister, and friend
Reader Letter #2
I Had "One of Those Days"
After not being able get my car going for three days last week, the mechanic did
sort it out by Wednesday. Happiness all round as I had to do a number of things by then.
So today, Monday, I could finally collect a cartridge for our printer I ordered a week ago. Just to get home and realize, it's
someone else's...
Off to a friend who is waiting for me to help her with her resume, and from her house to go look at a new place to stay. I get in my car and it's "dead" again.
New battery and a few thousand rand later, I
can pick up my son and get him to the orthodontist.
After picking me up from my friend's house, we finally drive home when I nearly ran over someone. Thank goodness, I didn't.
So that was my Monday. It was definitely "one of those days."
Kind Regards,
-- Elmarie Waltman, Cape Town, South Africa
Reader Letter #3
It's OK to go slow. Just don't stop.
Hi, Maria,
I’m working on emptying an unfinished basement that is full of 50+ years of stuff (much of which is ruined from dust and dampness). When I’m gone, I don’t want my children to have to go through that mess.
It gets tiring, and it’s easy to feel like I’m not ever going to get the job done. However, I found the perfect mantra on my cat calendar. It keeps me going. “It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop.” –
-- Kay