Where I live in Wisconsin, the autumn trees are brilliant. I am sure to get outside once a day to enjoy them before all the leaves have fallen.
If you live in a state that has fall foliage, take the time to enjoy this season. If you don't, Google "fall foliage" and you'll actually find tons of videos to get you in the fall mood.
Here are some fall projects for you to do right about now:
1) Wash the windows. It's no fun seeing the
beauty of fall through dirty windows. Grab your squeegee and window cleaner, and work on cleaning a minimum of two windows each day until
they're all done.
2) Hose 'em down. Lawn mowers, plastic garbage containers, bikes and other items stored in the garage tend to get very dusty. Choose a weekend to drag anything that could be washed onto your driveway. Hose everything off to get them nice and clean again before returning
them to the garage. While everything is out in the driveway, it's a good opportunity to sweep out the garage.
3) Have a closet session. Go through your wardrobe from last fall and winter to see what you want to keep, and what you want to donate. Bring donations to a local charity. Once
this is done, take inventory and determine if there's anything new you need to buy to make your fall/winter wardrobe complete.
4) Donate toys. Get together with your kids and go through old toys. Have them help you put the ones they no longer play with in a large box. Then drive together
to a charity drop-off to make your donation. Perhaps make one last stop at a store to pick up one new toy for your kids for being so kind.
5) Start holiday shopping. Plan to have your holiday gift shopping completely finished by November 15. This way, you can enjoy the upcoming holiday
season, rather than rushing to crowded malls or doing last-minute online shopping.
6) Prune the perennials. My landscaping is primarily made up of perennial plants. Is yours? I usually wait until late fall to do my pruning. Go out on a nice, sunny day and get it all done in an afternoon.
7) Get your family photo taken. Whether you do it yourself with your cell phone and a tripod, or get it professionally shot, it's a great time of year to capture what your family looks like right now. Plus, if you send out photo Christmas cards, you'll have a photo to insert.