GON Reader Letter #1
Little Paint Touch-Ups Made Easy
Moving into our newly finished home was a great
joy! However, not all of our delivery people and installers were as careful with our walls and baseboards as we were. I soon started seeing little nicks and scratches that could easily be fixed with a little paint.
Each time I found a new one, one of us would need to go to the garage and open a large can holding the desired color, and pour some into a small container. I got tired of this.
So, I collected small mason jars, labeled the jars and lids, and filled them with paint. I then
placed them in a plastic carryall, added a Ziploc bag of Q-tips and a few paper towels.
Stored under my kitchen sink, my paint is always at my fingertips for a quick touch-up. Saves me
time, energy, and stress!
-- Jana Reicherter, Tampa, FL
GON Reader Letter #2
One Thing a Day from Each
Since I do so many different hobbies and decorating of my home, I tend to "keep" things. My way of decluttering is "one thing a day from each room."
Sometimes it has to go into a "think about" box rather than out the door, but I very seldom remove something from that box once it goes in. So, that entire box can be donated if I don't open it for a month.
I also just put away some things to bring out later, rotating them back in when the season or mood hits.
Some days it is just a small item. Other days, it is big things.
This system is working for me. The clutter is going!
-- Ruthie Murphy, Three Rivers, MI
Ruth is married with a total of 6 grown kids. She does a lot of different enjoyable things in her free time including quilting by hand, sewing for her home, candle making, painting, and reading.
GON Reader Letter #3
When I Asked for a Vegetable, He Came Home With
Hi Maria,
Your mention of sending your husband to the grocery store, in your October 12 issue, brought back memories!
Circa 1980, I asked my husband to go
to the grocery store because my car was in the shop.
I carefully wrote out my list and included “a vegetable." My husband hated vegetables so I figured that way he’d pick something he would
actually eat.
He came home with a coconut!
There was a discussion on whether that was a fruit and we had to break out “The Joy of Cooking” to figure out how to open the coconut, but we had some fun and the coconut was delicious!
I start my day with you and dear Abby—always good stuff!
-- Gail