I was in the grocery store today and two people were arguing in aisle seven. It was clearly a political argument and it ended in some not-so-nice language. Sigh.
I just wanted to pick up a can of tuna and some bread, without a side of bad vibes. Luckily, both of these folks decided to go their own way without further incident.
I thought to myself how challenging the past few years have been, with so many people on edge and ready to jump down each other's
throats. My philosophy is to always try to be a good human, no matter what. Here are 5 things I thought of as I grabbed my groceries and checked-out.
1. Be patient. The employee shortage in so many businesses is very real. In many cases, the job of three people is being handled by
just one.
2. Be understanding. We may not like the topic, or the other person's opinion, but we can still be understanding and gracious in our response. And if it's a topic you'd rather not discuss, just say something like, "I don't discuss politics (or whatever) as it's not good for my
stress levels, but I'd love to hear about your family and that new job you started."
3. Kindness goes a long way. Spread kindness whenever you have the opportunity to do so. Heaven knows we can use a whole lot more of it.
4. Put your grocery cart back. Grocery carts left stranded in the parking lot can begin rolling and damage somebody's car. Even if that doesn't happen, the staff member who has to collect all the carts at the end of the day will appreciate having most of the carts already in the cart corral.
5. Help someone in need. There is always somebody who would appreciate a helping hand. Perhaps someone in the grocery store who can't reach something on a high shelf. Maybe somebody who is on crutches and can't rake their leaves. Perhaps just someone who is feeling sad and could use a listening ear. Be somebody's hero.