Do you have a hobby you like or love? Do you have as
much time as you would like for it? Most of us with hobbies would probably answer no; we don't have as much time as we would like for it, not nearly enough time.
It is often a major feat to
find time to work on it.
Why is this? Well, the obvious answer is there is too much to do, things that "have" to be done. You know what I am talking about...the cleaning, the laundry, the job that requires extra time, helping kids with homework, maybe helping older parents.
The list can seem unending. And how can we fit in the fun stuff when we can barely get the needed things done?
Still, how do you
feel after spending time with your quilting, scrapbooking, knitting, etc.? More relaxed, happy, energized?
Sometimes I honestly think I get more things done if I have had some time to
myself to enjoy my hobby.
There is plenty of literature on the importance of hobbies. Just a few of the reasons include:
1. Stress reduction. Hobbies refocus our thoughts and take us away from worrying. The satisfaction we experience can do much to improve our mood.
2. They are good for our brains. Most hobbies require us to be attentive and often creative. As
we progress in our hobby, we develop new skills and increase our knowledge.
3. Hobbies can widen our friendship circles. Those who are in scrapbooking, quilting, or reading groups spend time with others...socializing, learning new things, and enriching friendships.
4. They're good for our physical health. Some hobbies, like gardening or swimming, are good for physical health. They get us active and moving.
Not to mention the fact that hobbies decrease boredom and time wasting.
So if we all know hobbies are not only pleasurable but good for us, why do we put off spending time on them? Shouldn't we be as serious about making time for them as we are for many other
This does not mean you will spend half of every day on your hobby (although that would be fun, wouldn't it?). It means that you should move your hobby UP on your TO DO list...straight to the top.
Start by scheduling half an hour a day, or maybe three hours a week, whatever works best, to engage in something you enjoy.
More than likely, some things on your TO DO list can be put off, delegated, or maybe not done at
Would it be that terrible to buy a prepared main dish from the store, instead of spending an hour or more making lasagne from scratch?
Or maybe you can combine your hobby with something else, like knitting while waiting to pick up the kids?
This week, make a real effort to find time for your hobby. Make time for it early in the day if you can, so the day does not get away from you.
You are likely to find that the enjoyment you get is so energizing that you will still end up completing all those need-TO-DOs. Plus, you will have enjoyed some time for yourself as well.