GON Reader
Fire and Water Resistant Safes/Filing Cabinets
Any reputable brands for fire
safe/water resistant safe or file cabinets you recommend? My only file cabinet I ever bought; the lock could be opened with a paper clip. So, I keep most of my papers in a safe deposit box or my gun safe, which is not fire resistant and much less water resistant.
-- Wendell Ellerbee
Response from Maria
Hi Wendell,
Goodness...why would a product that could be opened with a paperclip even have a lock? Good grief. I definitely
get why you're using your safe deposit box and gun safe!
All safes that are fireproof have limits, of course. This one will protect the lid from opening in the case of a fire and endure one 1/2 hour at 1550°F. There are safes that will ensure protection longer than this, like 60 minutes.
This particular model can be submerged in water for up to three days without water damage.
You'll have to decide on the size you want. This one holds letter-size documents; not the large legal sized papers. However, if you don't mind folding your larger papers, you can fit them into this safe. I prefer folding the papers in a smaller safe versus a larger safe that's going to take up a whole lot of
This safe box is heavy, making it more challenging for a home thief to walk off with it, but also making it a bit challenging for its owners to lift as well.
Some safe models can be bolted to the floor or wall if you're looking for extra theft protection.
If you end up getting this one, or something like it, don't display it right out in the open. Also, don't store it upstairs if you live in a two-story home. It is best to store it in a closet (and not easily visible) on the ground floor.
Hope this helps.