GON Reader Letter
Help for those who are grieving
Hi Maria,
This is for Heidi, the GON reader who wrote to you in your December 16th issue. I used to volunteer at a
place for grieving children, teens, and adults. It is healthy to talk about the memories of those who have passed on to Eternal life before us.
One idea I share frequently to help people
who are grieving during Thanksgiving, Christmas, or any time of the year is what I call a "Resurrection Tree." It can be any type of Christmas Tree, preferably an artificial tree, so you can bring it out every year as a new ritual to share with any family, friends or companions.
You and others take turns placing things on the tree that are your favorite memories of those who have passed before us. You also share your favorite stories...and laugh and cry together.
You can also purchase a big candle. Put it in the center of the table and share pictures and favorite stories of your loved ones who have passed on.
Another idea is to write a letter to each of those who have passed, sharing
everything you would have wanted to tell them in the letter.
I will pray for Heidi and all those who are suffering in this way. God bless you!"
-- Suzette Chaires, Arlington, Texas
GON Reader Letter #2
Local libraries are wonderful resources
I wanted to let you know that one of this retiree's goals for 2023 was to learn something new.
Many of my crafter friends post their project progress on Instagram. I was not able to post one on my first try....very frustrating! I asked around the family and Instagram was not anyone's preferred platform (always the first stop for digital
So as I whizzed by the library a few days ago. I thought, "Here's my chance!"
With the help of a compassionate librarian, we ordered a "dummies" book from a sister library. I picked up the book yesterday.
I'm now committed to 3 chapters a day and will soon be on my way to Instagram posting with my friends.
Thanks for all your encouragement!
-- Karen T., Richmond,
GON Reader Letter #1
Unique bookmarks for keeping my place in books and as special memories
I love to read and have tried many types of bookmarks, good and bad.
Two years ago, on a trip to Coopers Landing in the Kenai Peninsula of Alaska, we had three beautiful white swans that lived on the river next to our cabin.
I collected some of their soft white feathers that had fallen off (2” - 4” long) as a memento...and now use them as bookmarks!
I also sometimes buy, as a souvenir from a trip, a small item I can craft into a
Christmas ornament.
-- Daneen G., Salinas, CA