Anyone who has a computer knows that, every now and then, usually when you have a whole bunch of screens open and programs running, the computer will suddenly
just freeze up. While a bit annoying, usually simply restarting the computer brings it back to life and all is well.
On more rare occasions, you may experience what I call the screen of
death, indicating that something is seriously wrong with your computer. In this case, rebooting does not help and you then have to go through more technical measures, sometimes requiring a computer professional or buying a new computer.
We humans are sometimes like our computers. We're racing
around from one errand to another or handling many tasks all at once, and sometimes we get to the point where we just have to STOP. We can't take on one more thing. We have to sit down and take a breather. Normally, after a short break, we can regroup our tasks and thoughts and restart again.
On more rare occasions, we end up with a more serious occurence, like an emotional shutdown or an illness. In this case, a short break doesn't cut it. We then have to take more significant time off to allow our bodies and minds to recuperate and repair.
When we're taking on our TO DOs each day, it's important to be able to identify when we're getting to the point of overload, so we can rein ourselves in a bit and take much needed breaks and breathers.
Here are 12 signs that
indicate you may be getting close to overload or a complete breakdown:
1. You don't have time to sit down and enjoy a meal or snack without working at the same time.
2. You are in a constant state of overwhelm and frustration or anger.
3. You feel you have zero time to nurture your relationships or enjoy your hobbies.
4. You are experiencing recurring headaches, body aches, other pains, heart flutters, dizziness, and other health-related issues... and ignoring them instead of tending to them.
5. You are making mistake after mistake.
6. Your overall positivity has gone way downhill.
7. You keep pushing important TO DOs to another day.
8. You no longer feel exercise, nutrition, skin care, or daily reflection are priorities.
9. You've completely lost sight of how many tasks/projects you're handling or what's even a priority any more.
10. You are missing deadlines.
11. You're getting short or snippy with others.
12. You're simply not happy.
Grab your calendar and, three times a day, give yourself an A, B, C, or D that reflects how you're feeling:
A: I'm doing great and feel calm and
productive. I can continue doing whatever I'm doing.
B: I'm doing OK, but should probably slow down a bit. Before resuming my tasks, I'll take a 10-minute break to grab a cup of tea and step outside for some fresh air.
C: I'm beginning to feel a bit over-the-edge. Definitely time to take a break. I'm going to take a nap, or go for a leisurely 30-minute walk, or call a friend and just chat for a bit. I'm also going to re-think and re-prioritize my TO DOs, goals, and deadlines before I continue.
D: I'm not doing OK. I have to abort everything I'm doing immediately and go into recovery mode. I really have to rethink my daily TO DOs and priorities, but not right now. I have to tend to myself first. I need to get a few days rest, take a mental vacation, take some personal days, seek out a doctor and/or do whatever is needed to
get back to a good state.
Doing this A, B, C, D exercise throughout each day will allow you to give yourself quick and constant self-feedback. You'll then have the opportunity to make
decisions for your own well-being...hopefully helping you climb back into the A and B positions.