Always feeling like you're hitting a bump in the road when it comes to getting organized? Here are the 11 common roadblocks preventing organizing success and how
you can easily surpass them.
1. I'm overwhelmed and frustrated (or I don't know where to begin.) Organizing several rooms is a big project and it can be intimidating.
Sometimes the size of a project will stop you before you even begin. Where do you start and how much will it cost?
Getting organized can take time, but it also requires planning and goal
setting. Take a walk around and make a note of the things that need to be done. Then decide which of the tasks are priorities and will be done first.
Begin by doing one task at a time, a
baby step, for a short period of time each day. You will be amazed at what you can get done. Use this as motivation to continue working towards your organizing goals.
2. My whole
family is sloppy. Get your family onboard by developing habits that say goodbye to clutter. Establish a set time in your home when everyone spends time getting organized. For example, at 6:00 every night have everyone spend 15 minutes putting things where they belong.
3. I
don't have the time. If you don't make the time, you won't have the time. Start with a project that only takes a small portion of your day. Even one ten-minute project is better than no projects at all. Accomplishing just one tiny goal can give you the motivation to keep going to organize more.
4. I will never be able to get this all done. Don't think that you have to start AND finish everything in one day. Start one today and continue with it tomorrow...and then the next day...until you're done. You'll be able to accomplish your goals goal one day at a time.
5. I'm very sentimental. I cannot get rid of anything. Perhaps you are finding that you are having a hard time parting with belongings. Going through belongings and trying to purge can be difficult for some people.
However, being too attached to belongings can often lead to piles and piles of clutter. This can cause added stress, so it is important to let go of some items. Determine what is most important to you and keep only those.
Donate the remaining items to charity so someone else can use/enjoy them.
6. Someday I will get to it. When you find yourself saying "someday," make that day TODAY. Just do a
little bit to get you a bit closer to your goal.
7. I can't deal with all of this paper. When the paper you actually need to keep is filed in an organized filing system, and you're not seeing piles of paper everywhere, your mind will be a lot more at ease.
Get get rid of paper you don't need. Set your timer for 10 minutes a day and sit next to a recycling container so you can add unnecessary paper to it quickly.
8. I'm going to fail. If you think you can do it, you can. If you think you can't, you won't. It's true. You can organize your home if your attitude is positive.
Remember that any task you complete, no matter how small, is a success.
9. It's too much work. Do you find getting organized as being too
big of a chore so you do not even want to start it? You can make organizing fun. Set a timer and organize for 5 minutes to see if you can "beat the clock."
Organize to your favorite samba
Organize while you're chatting with your best friend on the phone.
By the way, you'll be more productive, less stressed, and less tired when you're organized.
10. I
can't afford to get organized. Unless you have to rent a dumpster (not usually needed for basic decluttering), it doesn't cost a dime to clear out clutter. You just begin donating or tossing what you don't need a little bit at a time.
Also, you do not have to go to the store and buy the latest containers, baskets, and other organizing tools for storage. Check out garage sales as well as thrift stores for organizational items. You will find a lot of options without busting your budget.
You may even discover storage items you can use for organizing by "shopping" in your own home.
11. I keep getting interrupted. Designate set blocks of time
to get tasks done. If this means early morning, schedule it. If it means closing the door, shutting off your cell phone, and turning off your computer, do it.
Also, let people around you
know when you do not want to be interrupted.
Discover the obstacles that get in your way and determine how to remove them one by one.