GON Reader Letter #1
I Have to Get the "Do Nothing Day" on my Calendar ASAP
Hi Maria,
I absolutely love the idea of a "do nothing day," in reference to your December 7 issue. We have three adult daughters.
When they were little and I was a stay-at-home mom, I did that exact thing sometimes.
I did it one Mother's Day. We had two cars and I still drove. My husband took the girls somewhere
and I did what I wanted to do. When they were in school, I did that while they were gone.
Now, I haven't done it in years. We are empty nesters. I'm looking for employment and we have
medical appointments. I know my husband would support me in this any time I wanted a day "off."
I especially want to do this soon because of the apparent diminishing of some of his mental functions. Some times people call it "sundown."
We are in the process of getting things medically proven. Could get some help from the VA, maybe even start using a para transit service because of this condition, etc. We'll see.
I need to get the "do nothing day" on my calendar ASAP.
Maria, I absolutely love your ezine. thanks for making it so personal and
Love you,
-- Margaret from Maryland
GON Reader Letter #2
More Ideas for Vintage Embroidered Handkerchiefs
In response to your December 8 newsletter, I just
wanted to suggest another idea for vintage embroidered handkerchiefs. Frame them and arrange a lovely vintage gallery on your wall.
You can also include a vintage postcard, valentine, or
photo in the center of the framed handkerchief. You can turn the more plain framed items into dry erase boards too.
-- Diane O.
GON Reader Letter #3
Always Have This With You When You Travel
Always carry some food with you, like mixed nuts. Having some protein available, when there is no food to buy, fuels your body and helps enormously.
-- Sue Goldman