Since my daughter, Amanda, has been home for college
for winter break, she has been handling some essential TO DOs. She went to her annual doctor appointment last week, and this week, she renewed her driver's license.
She also had a dental
appointment scheduled for yesterday. When she woke up, she was just "not in the mood" for that particular appointment. LOL. She asked, "Mom, do you think they have an appointment for next week? I really don't want to go to the dentist today."
I told her that generally their appointments for cleanings are booked weeks out. So, she was begrudgingly set to keep her appointment.
Don't you know that exactly 10 minutes after that conversation, the dental office called her to reschedule her appointment for next week because the hygienist could not be there?
I probably don't have to tell you that Amanda was quite happy to switch the date. It was like the universe was in her favor at that
I wonder, however, if the universe was not in the favor of the hygienist. I'm not sure why she could not be there, but it's possible that she was ill or had a family emergency. I
pray that everything is OK.
Amanda did use the newly found time in a productive manner. She has been taking an online Statistics course over winter break to earn some credits, and she used
that hour to get that handled.
My question for you today is, if you suddenly had an hour to spare, what would you do with it? Reply and let me know. Responses
will be included in a future issue of this ezine.
Have a wonderful, organized day. May the universe be in your favor today!