This week, I've been watching Chef's Table:
Pizza. It's a TV series (I found it on Netflix) that reveals some of the most renowned chefs in the world. I like it because it's not only about their amazing food creations, but rather a view into their deeply personal lives and what drives them.
What we normally see on TV food shows is the rosy part of being a famous chef...the fame and fortune. What is hidden are the physical and emotional struggles.
Chef's Table is not always about pizza chefs, but this four part series that definitely one of my favorites. It's a very interesting series, incredibly motivating, and I highly recommend it.
Just don't watch it when you're hungry, because their creations are very tantalizing.
I thought I'd
share with you what I learned from those who make pizza. Her are 5 prominent take-aways from this series:
1. Be your own person. No matter what others think should be your
path, go in the direction that YOU feel is best for you.
2. Stand up for yourself and your beliefs and values.
3. Know your "anxiety limits." It's important to have time to relax your body, mind, and soul...and methods for doing so that work for you.
4. Listen to your body. If yours is breaking down, it may be high time to make some adjustments.
5. Keep moving forward. Don't allow fear to stop you and always have goals you're striving for. Don't be afraid to adjust those goals so they match your current situation and values.