Yesterday, I found myself with "an extra hour." It was supposed to be filled with an online Zoom meeting, but that meeting was cancelled because the
was feeling under-the-weather. This is never an issue for me because there is always something else on my list that I can do.
As I glanced at my alternate choices, I decided to listen to an inspirational podcast. This
was a good choice because it set such a positive tone for the remainder of my day.
Speaking of extra hours, in my January 7 newsletter, I asked GON Readers:
If you suddenly had an hour to spare, what would you do with it?
Here are a bunch of responses I received...
Sleep, draw or do a puzzle.
-- Christine Cummings
I would spend the hour decluttering the paper files and organizing/setting up for this year so bill keeping and maintenance on my house is quick and easy!
--Mary Arnold
-- I would use that hour to continue decluttering my craft room (which had become a catch-all) in preparation for a newly organized and fun craft room!
Been wanting this for...I don't know how long.
-- Lynn Poindexter
If I had an hour extra, I would just pick up my house. After Christmas and sickness and just being exhausted means my house is a mess. Normally I would grab a book or hit the
bookstore for a bit of respite.
-- Mary McCrary
I'd take a nap!
-- Nancy Johnson, Lake Forest Park
With a free hour, I would pick up a book and read it!
-- Judy Strigel
Play guitar, drink hot tea, and have gratitude thoughts. Recovering from hard holiday time.
--Francesca Andreone
Repair the door that my wife has been asking me to fix for the past three
--John DeCaldo
Take a walk. I used to do that all the time when I was married. Now that I'm divorced, I rarely do anything good for myself. I know I have to get out of
this funk.
--Eva Gonzalez
Write thank you notes for the gifts my husband and I received at our 50th wedding anniversary party. They are long overdo.
In reading these responses, here is my TO DO for you today...
Rather than hoping that hour magically appears in your schedule, GIFT yourself that hour.
Yes, taking that hour may mean that
something else doesn't get done...but whatever you want/need to do sometimes has to take priority over other things.
Sleep, do the puzzle, take a nap, read a book, repair the door, declutter your craft room or your paper files, play the guitar, pick up your house a bit, take a walk (it will help
clear your mind), or write a few thank you notes.
Whatever you do, it will be 60 minutes well-spent.