Look around your home. How many of these red flags do
you see?
jacket tossed over a chair
laundry way over the rim of the laundry
cluttered nightstand
messy calendar
dishes/pots/glasses stacked in the sink
stuffed-full paper filing cabinet
email inbox with more than 20 email messages
no room on the kitchen counter to cook
clothes closet and drawers packed tight with clothes
towels on the bathroom floor
eating at the the kitchen/dining table isn't an option (too much clutter)
spoiled food in your fridge
one or more rooms in your home are visibly cluttered/messy
no space in your garage to park your vehicle
the kids have enough toys to open their very own toy store
you step on things (that you shouldn't be stepping on) often
the bed is unmade (and you've been awake for more than a few hours)
toiletries in your bathroom are taking over every last inch of
you don't know exactly where your phone or keys are
cabinets/drawers are packed
It's okay if you see any of these red flags (or others not mentioned). They're nothing to feel bad about. Everyone has to deal with these challenges now and then.
Simply recognizing and acknowledging these challenges is the first step in changing them from a red flag...to an organized green flag.