I have a friend who recently packed up and moved four hours north of my hometown. When talking with her, she told me how in the process of moving she had greatly
downsized the amount of stuff that she was taking with her because a lot of the things that she had she really didn't need anymore.
This got me thinking. How much of the stuff that we are
hanging onto in our homes do we really need or use? And how much of it is merely items that we are hanging on to for generally no reason?
Maybe it's time to rethink decluttering. Put yourself into a similar hypothetical situation when deciding what items you really want to keep and which you
could honestly do without.
If you were to suddenly have to pack up and move next week, which items would you feel would be worth the time and energy needed to pack up and move? Which would
you be OK with leaving behind?
If an item really isn't worth the packing time, it would then beg the question, "Why am I still hanging on to it?"
Certain items have a place and a purpose to us. Others are just things that take up space and collect dust.
Having this
mindset when it comes to decluttering will make doing so easier as well as more enjoyable.
If an item wouldn't deserve a spot in the moving van, it also shouldn't deserve a spot in
your home right now.
Let these things go now and relish in the freeing feeling, and the newfound space, you'll get from doing so.