Happy Earth Day! We've been celebrating this day since 1970 as a reminder that Earth, our home, is something that's more than worthy of our love and attention.
When every person does their part, we can help save water and energy, fight pollution, reduce trash in our landfills, preserve our forests and oceans, and help keep our planet livable.
that sounds like a tall order, on a whole, it is. As individuals, however, it's pretty easy to be more green...so to speak.
Here are seven super-easy, very doable, organized ways to be more
earth friendly-today...and going forward:
1. Write on both sides of every sheet paper. When you write notes, ideas, lists, etc. on a sheet of paper, use the other side for
more notes, ideas, and lists, etc. before recycling it.
2. Make use of phone apps. There are phone apps for near everything these days...grocery lists, productivity apps,
banking/finance apps, scheduling apps and more. If you're a "paper person," I get it...some things are better visualized on paper. Still, consider a task or two that you do on paper that may be better served by switching that TO DO to digital.
3. Use reusable bottles. This is a no-brainer. Unless you're at a venue (concerts, some sporting events, etc.) that does not allow reusable
water bottles, just fill yours at home and refill when needed. It's a lot less expensive and helps reduce plastic waste. The same goes for shopping bags...bring your fabric ones. Besides, they're stronger (and can be prettier) than the disposable plastic ones.
4. See trash? Pick it up and discard it. Whether you see trash in your own front yard, at a local park, or when you're walking down a city street, don't just walk on by. Pick it up and throw it out. Keep hand sanitizer with you so you can use it after doing your good deed.
5. Combine your errands. Instead of driving to the grocery store, the library, and the bank on three separate days, try to combine all of your errands into one trip. Doing so saves fuel...and it saves you time as well.
6. Turn off lights and unplug appliances. Why leave lights and appliances on/plugged in, when they're not in use? Save energy...and save money on your electric bill.
7. Don't waste water. Turn the faucet off when you're brushing your teeth, make efficient choices when purchasing a new shower head or dishwasher, and fix (or make an appointment for a professional to repair) leaky faucets.