There's no doubt in life that there are some "HAVE TOs" that are not "WANT TOs." Maybe we know the task at hand is time-consuming, boring, or energy-draining. Or
perhaps we don't know how to do it, so not only do we have to do the task, but we also have to figure out the steps, or make calls (knowing we're going to be hold), or watch countless videos on YouTube to get it handled.
When these HAVE TOs are present, here are some ways to motivate yourself to get each item done.
1. Be absolutely sure it has to be done in the
first place. Just because you've done something for months, years, or even decades doesn't necessarily mean it's necessary. Be sure the task is a necessity, and not simply a habit you've developed.
2. Look at it from the perspective of "being done." Once that HAVE TO is done, it will no longer be on your list starting you in the face, wasting your focus, and/or giving you anxiety every time you look at it.
3. Zone in on the small picture. Whether that step is beginning to do the task, or figuring out how to initialize it, once you get that one step done, you're further along than you were before. After that, focus on just step two. And so on.
4. Give yourself an out. Say to yourself, "I'll work on this diligently for exactly 20 minutes." Then set your timer for 20 minutes and begin. When the timer sounds, you can decide if you want to stop for a break, or set the timer for the next 20 minutes and begin again.
5. Don't focus on what's NOT done. Focus on what IS done; not everything there still is to do. So you've gotten about 10% of the task done. Celebrate! 10% is way better than zero percent. Then, tell yourself you're going to get another
5-10% done and begin working on it again.
6. Can you do whatever it is more efficiently? For instance, if your vacuum is on the fritz, you'll probably be less likely to
dread the job once you get a new vacuum. Is your computer slowing you down? Maybe it's time to take it to your local computer shop for a computer health check and clean out.
Maybe you can
delegate/share a portion of whatever it is with another family member or a coworker.
Perhaps it's time to hire that task lawn mowing, or getting the leaves out of your
gutter, or cleaning your home.
Always be thinking about how whatever it is can be done faster, easier, and/or in a way that ends up with even better results.
Before you know it, that task will be crossed off your list...and you're going to be a whole lot happier that it's done.