With as busy as we all can get, it is so important
that we get a good night’s sleep. But if you are anything like me, sleep can be one of those things that is harder to get than you would like.
I often find that once I lie down for the
night my mind kicks into full gear. Even though I may be tired, sleep eludes me. But with age comes wisdom and I have found some ways to help me to get the sleep that I want and need.
First of all, I find it is important
to stick to my normal sleep routine. Sometimes on weekends when I know that I don’t need to be up early the next day my whole sleep schedule gets thrown off. When I stay up later than usual, it is tempting to then sleep in longer than I normally do.
I find that sticking to my usual wake up time, even if I got to bed a little bit later than I normally do, keeps my nighttime routine in order so that I’m not lying awake when I should be sleeping.
Second, I find that what and when I
eat plays a big part in the quality of sleep that I get. I am a coffee drinker and although I love having the little jolt that it provides in the morning, by mid afternoon I find that it is best to switch to non-caffeinated beverages.
Also, I find that by making dinner my lightest meal of the day, and by finishing it a few hours before bedtime, I am not kept awake by feeling overly full or suffering from indigestion when I am trying to settle in for the night.
Most important for me is that final hour before I actually lie down for the night. It is always tempting to watch a movie, answer a few email messages, or check in to social media right before bed. But studies have shown that the light from electronic devices stimulates the brain, making it more difficult to wind down and fall asleep.
I make that last hour before bedtime a non-electronic device hour, which helps my brain settle in for the night. Instead of gazing at the glaring light from devices, opt for a paperback book instead. Or, if you like using your Kindle, turn the device light way down and use your lamp for your reading
light source. The Kindle Paperwhite has an adjustable warm light.
All of the above allows me the quiet, relaxing time that I need to wind down and helps me end my day, and begin my evening, on a calm note.