Most of us have tools at home that we use from time
to time...a hammer, a screwdriver set, a measuring tape, a flash light, etc.
Some tools are internal life tools...those that we have inside of us that we can "pull out and use" as
It's critical in life for us to keep these tools sharp. Each one of them helps us and others as well. How sharp are each of these life tools for you personally?
1. Ability to listen: One of the most important communication tools is the ability to listen. Listening is best done when you're fully engaged in what the other person is saying...rather
than on what you're going to say next. When the person who is talking pauses, you should know exactly what they just told you (or you can ask questions if you didn't fully understand) and can then thoughtfully respond.
2. Ability to remain calm: When you're calm, you can respond to even the most earth-shattering situations in a more logical, thoughtful way. Whatever it is, tell yourself to breathe, visualize yourself calm, and then give yourself an affirmation, like, "I can handle this," "I will get through this," "I am going to do whatever I can to try to make this situation manageable."
3. Ability to think through actions/choices: Rash choices often end up in clutter, money issues, angry people, regrets, and other negative consequences. Thinking through actions and choices, even when that has to be done fairly quick,
will help your mind formulate if scenario A, B, or C (for instance) is going to end up with the best possible result.
4. Ability to see perspectives other than your own:
This ability often begins with respect for the thoughts and feelings of others. Once you're open to what others think, you still choose to listen because you respect the other person enough (as a fellow human) to do so. Nobody is going to see a situation in the same exact way. But the collaboration of many perspectives makes for a kinder, gentler world.
5. Ability to ask for help when needed: You've probably heard before that asking for help is not a sign of weakness; but rather a sign of strength. This is a true statement. While we may think we can do every single thing ourselves, there is going to come a point (if it hasn't already
happened) that we all have to lean on others for physical and/or emotional support.