When we think of appreciation, most of us probably think of appreciating others, like the barista who just made you the perfect cup of coffee or a friend for
helping you see the best in life no matter how challenging things get.
But, do you take the time to appreciate yourself each day?
When it comes to appreciation, appreciating yourself is an important aspect of self-development and growth. It not only plays a key role in boosting your self-confidence and self-esteem but helps you to be a more organized, productive person.
Self-appreciation enables you to make better decisions, deal with failures and setbacks, and have healthier relationships.
Far too often, people tend to focus on things they're, in their opinion, not "doing right."
They focus on their perceived flaws...
"I can't get organized."
"I'm a scatterbrain."
"I'm too tired to tackle my TO DO list."
In doing so, they tend to forget about the positives, the achievements, and the blessings.
"I can get organized. I
just need to figure out the methods that work best for me."
"I am going to push myself to mindfully focus on one task at a time."
"My energy will allow me to work on a 20-minute project. Then I'll take a break."
Isn't it high time that we let go of the self-sabotage and start appreciating ourselves for everything we can and have accomplished?
1) Celebrate your wins: Whatever you accomplish, small or big, it is absolutely vital to acknowledge your hard work and effort.
This could be anything from learning how to use a new phone app, to the glory of tidying up a desk drawer, or even just getting out of of bed with a smile and positive thoughts in your mind.
2) Don't dwell on your perceived weaknesses. Everyone has strengths and struggles. Everyone. Always work on learning and/or doing what you can in the self-improvement category, of course, but zone in heavily on your strengths. When you do, it puts you in more of an "I can do this" frame of mind, which in turn helps you be more productive and reach your goals.
3) Self-care equals self-appreciation. Taking care of yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally is essential to feeling good each day. Take time for physical fitness, eat more nutritiously, and get your beauty rest.
Engage in activities that generate joy and happiness. Personally, I can think of many activities I love, like crafting, reading, dancing, having a great conversation with someone, being outdoors in the sunshine, sitting on a blanket at the beach, watching a good movie... Really, I go could on and on.
Make a list of what you love and enjoy those activities (or mini-versions of them) daily.
Even a 10-minute mini-vacation to close your eyes and mentally be "in your happy place" can make a tedious project so much better.
Today, focus on your accomplishments, strengths, and talents. Give yourself 10-minute tasks to get done...and a pat on the back when you complete them. Do the activities that bring you joy. Embrace the wonderful person that you are!