As you already know, time is precious. Once it's spent, you can never get it back. That's why investing wisely in our time is so important.
One way to be more productive and reach our goals, as well as have that time we all need for social activities, hobbies, wellness, and self-care, is to not waste time. When you master this, you'll then have
more time for everything that matters the most to you. Here are 6 effective ways to save time:
1. Automate tasks: Automate tasks whenever you can.
Have your bills automatically paid for you when they're due.
Rather than guessing or using paper maps, use GPS systems like Apple or Google Maps when you don't know how to get somewhere.
Set your outdoor lights to light automatically in the evening and turn off in the morning (many systems allow you to light at varying times for security reasons).
Ask Alexa what the weather forecast is so you don't have to look it up.
Get the dishwasher to do the dishes for you, versus hand-washing.
Use speech recognition on your phone to type your text messages for you. It's a lot faster than typing a text with your fingers.
2. Use shortcuts: Learn keyboard shortcuts for programs you use frequently
to save time.
On computers that use Windows, holding ALT and TAB down at the same time allows you to switch between open Windows.
In Google Chrome, if you accidentally close a window you can hold CTRL-SHIFT-T to reopen it.
Also in Chrome, if you tap your spacebar, it will move the screen a whole page down; hold SHIFT and your spacebar and you'll move the screen a whole page back up.
There are also universal keyboard shortcuts, such as when you hold down CTRL and use either your mouse wheel or touchpad screen at the same time, the screen will zoom in and out.
3. Batch tasks: Batch similar tasks together to avoid switching between tasks and save time. When you're doing the same thing over and over, you get into a rhythm and can get tasks done quicker...rather than starting one thing, and then doing something else, and then coming back to that first thing.
Examples are getting all of your ingredients prepped for a meal before you begin cooking or responding to all of your email in one sitting.
4. Share the workload: Don't do everything yourself. Share the workload.
At home, tasks can be shared with your better half, your kid, or a
live-in relative.
At the office, tasks may be able to be shared with an office mate (maybe even someone in another department) or an administrative assistant.
If it's in the budget, you may even hire tasks out at home (like lawn mowing) or work (like social media posts.)
5. Prioritize tasks: Prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency to ensure you are using your time effectively.
Label each task A, B, or C.
Then get two A tasks done, then two B tasks, and finally one C task. Repeat. In doing so, every
item on your list is getting some attention.
6. Take breaks: Take breaks in between tasks and projects to recharge and avoid burnout.
Yes, taking breaks can save you time. When you don't, your energy level gets depleted and you'll most likely work a lot slower and/or make more errors.
Take a break to revive your energy level so you're getting your tasks done in a more energetic, focused manner.