you've been wanting your home to have a calmer, more organized look, getting rid of the clutter is your best first defense. But here are 7 other lesser-known secrets to provide your home with the order and serenity you're seeking.
1. Don't go overboard with color. The more colors you have in a particular room, the less of a chance you're going to be able to achieve that sense of calm. Choose a single color as the predominant color in the room (60%) and work around that, adding a second color that matches well but in a lesser amount (30%), and a third color for brief splashes of color (10%).
2. Don't keep everything out in the open. Instead of having everything out in the open, use pretty matching baskets to contain items. For instance, a stack of children's books on an open bookshelf will look more orderly
when placed in a pretty basket. Piles of yarn in your craft room will look less chaotic when contained in matching baskets. In addition, if
you have storage space in cabinets and behind closed doors, use it.
3. Group similar items together. A pantry will be not only be more organized, but will display a
more organized appearance, when similar items are grouped together, like all snack items in one place and all canned veggies in another, etc.
In cabinets, group dishware, like all dinner
plates together, all soup bowls together, etc.
Using matching mason jars to contain dry goods, like crackers, pasta, rice, dry beans, etc. will not only provide a more consistent look, but will also be easier for you to notice when you're running out of something.
4. Match when you can. Wooden hangers, mixed with wire hangers, mixed with a variety of plastic hangers all in different colors and styles is not calming. Switch all of your hangers out for one style and color, such as all wooden or all white plastic.
6. Function is good, but form helps soothe. Think about a bookshelf packed to the max with books. They may all be neat and in a straight line. In other words, it's completely functional. But removing some books and having some "empty space" for a decorative item or two, will give that
bookshelf a less crowded look that's more soothing to the eye.
7. Don't fill every nook and cranny. The more furniture and accessories you have in a room, the less peaceful
that room is going to be. A small room with bulky furniture is often going to feel very cramped and uncomfortable.
When decorating a room, some empty space is a good thing. It gives you
breathing room and allows your eyes to focus on your focal points, like a lovely fireplace or a beautiful piece of artwork hanging over the sofa.
So, don't keep an extra chair you acquired
from a relative if it really doesn't work well in your home. Don't decorate with every decorative element you have...you can always rotate some decor into storage and put other decor on display as the season and your mood changes.