GON Reader Letter #1
Container Tips for Organizing the Pantry
In reference to your February 19th issue, yes, produce containers
are great for organizing without compromising the pocketbook!
Above is a photo of my kitchen pantry, complete with pre-washed salad containers corralling various kitchen items, and glass milk bottles from a local dairy to hold
grains, legumes, and nuts!
Some of those glass containers flew off the rack during a recent earthquake. Luckily, I was elsewhere!
I noticed that none of the jars on the shelf that was lined with a rubbery shelf liner were displaced so I have now placed such a liner on top of the rack beneath those jars. The jars are sturdy and did not break, but my floor suffered a few dents!
And...that’s green and purple basil, harvested from my condo-land driveway garden, hanging above it all.
-- Maria from Santa Rosa, CA
GON Reader Letter #2
Friday Was "Leftover Everything" Night
In reference to your February 27th newsletter, being a
single working mom of 4, because my husband was overseas, we were always on a budget.
Friday night was "Leftover Everything" night. Not everyone got the same leftovers. The first one to the
kitchen when supper was called got their choice. It was fun!
On Saturday, I did my grocery shopping for the coming week, usually with a calculator in hand. I was blessed with wonderful
children who understood the concept of a snack drawer. Everyone was healthy because they were playing outside a lot. Life was good.
-- V. Shaw in El Paso TX
GON Reader Letter #3
Effective for Closing Bags and Keeping Coupons Together
For closing bags and keeping coupons together, I like to use binder clips.
They rarely break and come in different sizes and colors.
-- Marian Dyer