Happy St. Patrick's Day. Although I have mostly Italian roots, I'd like to begin today with one of my favorite Irish blessings...
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields,
And, until we meet again,
May God
hold you in the palm of His hand.
Such a lovely blessing for this festive day, or any day, isn't it?
I hope you'll be enjoying something in line with the holiday today? Perhaps a slice of Irish soda bread, maybe some corned beef and cabbage? Maybe you'll enjoy an Irish movie, like the 1952 flick, The Quiet Man. You can also research your family tree, whether you have Irish roots, or not.
Of course, another thing you can do on this day filled with all-things-green, is to actually go green. You can do this by incorporating habits in your life that are more environmentally friendly.
After all, we're all living on earth together. Keeping it nice is something worthwhile that we can all take on.
Here are 10 organized ways to go green this spring:
1. Buy only the food you and your family are actually going to eat, and don't waste any of
it. Use up your leftovers before you buy more.
2. Keep the air clean in your home. Houseplants helps tremendously with this.
3. Take your groceries home in reusable grocery bags. Less waste.
4. Learn how to mend your clothes, like fixing a hem or sewing on a button. Get more use out of what you buy...before buying more.
5. Minimize
the "disposables." Think about it. We're not really throwing anything away. It's all going somewhere, and very often that somewhere is a landfill. So use reusable items whenever possible, like reusable water bottles, reusable cleaning clothes, etc.
6. Don't waste water. If you have a leaky faucet, fix it or have it repaired. Take shorter showers. Install water-saving shower heads. Turn off the water when brushing your teeth or shaving.
7. Switch lights OFF when you're not using them. Switch computers off when you're done for the day, rather than keeping them on standby. Turn the TV and radio off when you're not watching/listening.
8. Go as paperless as possible. What can you digitize today?
9. Use public transportation or share a ride with someone else when possible. Shopping for a new car? Consider
an electric vehicle or a hybrid if it's in your budget. I own a hybrid that gets charged as I'm driving it...it doesn't require a charging station. I get wonderful mileage, so I make fewer trips to fuel up at the gas station.
10. Plants trees, adopt a road or park, or simply pick up litter in your neighborhood (or in any neighborhood you're visiting) when you notice it.
Happy St. Patrick's