GON Reader Letter
Staying accountable and twice as nice
Hi Maria,
In reference to your March 19 issue, I loved your take a tour of your house idea.
Brilliant, and thank you for reminding me that I don't need to feel overwhelmed. I can just do one thing every day. A couple of ideas to share:
1. Staying accountable: M friend and I are being accountability buddies, we set intentions that are easy to do each day and then message each other that we've done them. Or not! I've only missed one day since we started and it feels good!
2. Twice as nice: When I make a favorite cake, I measure out two or more sets of dry ingredients and set aside for a homemade cake mix next time I want to make it.
Warm regards
-- Judy Nahkies
GON Reader Letter #2
Don't forget about unplugging these
Regarding your article in your March 17 issue on going green, don't forget about unplugging daily items that aren't in use. Especially the 3-pronged appliances. They are the strongest power sources (TVs, washer/dryer, coffee pot, instant pot, blender, toaster, microwave).
We have saved considerably each month since doing so. It takes a little time to condition yourself to doing this, but it's worth it.
-- Jennifer S
Reader Letter #3
Photo book gift for my birthday
Hi Maria,
I just read Dianne Phillips' note, in your March 16 issue, about wanting to make a scrapbook of her
My daughter-in-law just made a "photo book" for my 80th birthday (although I feel like I'm in my mid-50's!)
Along with her pictures, she sent an email to everyone on my email list and asked them for pictures and comments.
She had a deadline for them to return anything and then she did the layout and ordered the book from an online photo book company.
I had no idea that she did this. It was a total surprise and it was, by far, the best birthday present ever!
These photo book companies (Shutterfly, Snapfish, etc.) make an actual book out of the prepared pages. You can choose which photo you want on the cover. It's so professional and a memory to treasure forever.
-- Dottie Konarski