It's easy to collect bathroom clutter. You buy a shampoo and discover you don't love it. You reason with yourself, "Oh, I'll just use it when I'm not going
anywhere special." But you never use it, and it sits in your bathroom for months.
Let's face it, we all have those items that have overstayed their welcome and are taking up precious space. Today is the day to bid adieu to these bathroom culprits! From rusty razors to clumpy mascara, it's time to
show them the door and make room for a fresher, more fabulous bathroom experience.
Here are the top 10 culprits that deserve their marching orders:
1. Rusty Razors: If your razor is showing any signs of rust, or if it's so rusty that it could double as a medieval weapon, it's time to ditch those dangerous blades and spare your precious skin from unwanted battle scars.
2. Expired Medications: Safely part ways with these outdated potions and pills. Let's not risk turning our bathroom into a mini pharmacy of expired meds!
3. Old mascara: Ever apply mascara that's dry, clumpy, and messy? Welcome a fresh
tube. The last thing you need is an eye infection and the older the mascara you're using, the more of a chance that's what can result. My favorite mascara these days is Hourglass. 4. Empty Bottles: Raise your hand if you're guilty of collecting empty shampoo and lotion bottles like they're artifacts from a forgotten civilization. Don't worry; you're not alone! Let go of those empty vessels.
5. Worn-out Toothbrushes: Pitch those frayed and defeated toothbrushes. Using a worn toothbrush can lead to ineffective cleaning and potentially harm your teeth and gums. Splurge on a new brush during your next grocery run.
7. Sample-sized Toiletries: We accumulate them from
hotels, subscriptions, and everywhere in between. But let's be honest. How many of them do we actually use? Put them in your shower right now AND and remove the larger size containers...until the tiny versions are used up. Or, if you don't want to use them, let go of those mini bottles guilt-free. You can always donate them, if you wish.
8. Ancient Bath Towels: Most folks have at least a few bath towels that have holes or strings or both. They're threadbare and faded. Get rid of them. Bonus points for donating the oldies to a pet shelter, adding an extra touch of warmth and comfort to furry friends.
9. Outdated Makeup: Bid farewell to the foundation that irritates your skin, the cracked eyeshadow, and/or the lipstick you have that doesn't complement your complexion or feel good on your lips.
10. Unused or
Broken Hair Accessories: Are you guilty of hanging onto hair ties and clips that lost their charm years ago? Keep the ones that you use often and wave goodbye to those that never see the light of day.
By giving these bathroom items their much-needed eviction notice, you'll create a space
that's organized and refreshed. Let the decluttering commence!