Today is National Brown Bag Day. This special day
commemorates "brown bagging it," meaning using a brown bag as a lunch tote for work or school.
Maybe you still use one for carrying your lunch to work or to the park, but most people have
switched to insulated totes these days.
Still, brown lunch bags continue to be pretty useful. Here are a few tips you may enjoy... 1. Ripen Fruit Faster: Place a banana or apple in a brown bag with unripe fruit, like avocados or peaches, to speed up the ripening process. The fruit emits a natural gas called ethylene, which triggers the ripening process in other fruit. The brown bag traps the gas, which helps the fruit ripen faster.
2. Enjoy Crispier Microwave Food: To keep microwave food crispy, place it in a brown bag before microwaving. The bag absorbs excess moisture, preventing the food from getting soggy. This works especially well for foods like pizza, fries, or other crispy snacks.
3. Clean Windows and Mirrors: Crumple up a brown bag and use it to clean windows and mirrors. The paper's texture helps remove dirt and smudges without leaving streaks. Plus, it's a great eco-friendly alternative to paper towels.
4. Protect Delicate Items: When moving or storing delicate items like dishes or glassware, wrap them in a brown bag to protect them from scratches or breakage. The paper provides a cushioning layer that helps absorb shocks and prevent damage.
Use it as DIY Gift Wrap: Cut open a brown bag and use it as wrapping paper for a rustic, frugal, and eco-friendly gift wrap option. Add some twine or ribbon for a finishing touch.
Or leave the bag as is and use it as a gift bag...just add tissue paper on the inside and affix a ribbon on the outside.
6. Make an Ice Pack: Fill a brown bag with ice and fold it over twice, then staple or tape shut. Place the bag in the freezer and use
it as an ice pack when needed. The bag provides a protective layer between the ice and your skin and the paper absorbs any condensation.
7. Create a Quick Snack Container: Fold down the top of a brown bag (or cut it down) to create a quick snack container. It's perfect for holding
popcorn, chips, or other snacks. This hack is great for movie nights or other casual get-togethers.
8. Make a Makeshift Rain Hat: In a pinch, you can use a brown bag as a makeshift rain hat. Just cut a slit near the opening of the bag as deep as you need it to be for the "hat" to
fit on your head. It will look like a "chef's hat." While it might not be the most stylish option, it's better than getting soaked in a sudden downpour.
9. Protect Your Journal: Use a brown bag as a DIY cover to protect your journal from wear and tear. Cut the bag to size, fold it around
the book, and tape in place
10. Use as a Fire Starter: Crumple up a brown bag and use it as a fire starter for your campfire. The dry paper catches fire easily and burns quickly.