Have you ever had a day when you felt like you got
out of bed tired? Maybe you are recovering from the flu or other illness. Perhaps life has just been super busy and/or super stressful. You may like to turn off the alarm, pull the covers up, and go back to sleep for the day. We’ve all been there.
Unfortunately, most of the time we cannot indulge in returning to bed. There are things to do, our pets want breakfast, we may need to go to work, and there may be people who depend on us.
So how do you quickly recharge your
batteries? How do you get centered and get things done? Here are a few helpful ideas:
1. Eat something nourishing and stay hydrated. Coffee is the first thing many of us reach for in the morning. And it often helps. Or it may upset our stomachs and make us feel jittery if we have
been ill or stressed. Instead, have something healthy to eat. Hunger never helps a low energy level. And drink a big glass of water. Dehydration is energy zapping.
2. A warm shower. This is my favorite. Indulge with a nice shower gel. Lemon-scented ones feel energizing to me, but whatever makes you feel good or happy. Bonus points if you wash your hair. Dirty hair is depressing. One of my best friends says her
mantra is, “I can do anything if I have clean hair.” 3. Move. Movement is beneficial, whether it is a short walk, dragging yourself to the gym (you’ll feel better when you get there), or even zipping through the house and putting things away.
4. Read something inspirational. I really like these positive affirmation cards. They're empowering, therapeutic, and beautiful to look at. They always make me feel better when I need a boost. 5. Fresh air. A walk outside or a few minutes on your porch or in the garden, just breathing, can do wonders.
6. What are your priorities for the day? What are the top three? What can be done later or another
7. Be good to yourself. You do not have to be Superman or Superwoman. What can you do to make your life easier today? Is there a meal in the freezer you can pull out for dinner tonight? Or can you order in? Can someone else help out with some chores? Build in time to
rest. Sit down and read or just do nothing for 15 or 20 minutes. It’s ok. You will feel better and have more energy for the next project.
If you have the time, consider treating yourself to something relaxing, a pedicure, or even a massage. Small personal treats can do wonders as
Most of us lead busy lives, and we need our energy to get it all done. But when that energy is not there, it’s time to listen to our bodies and allow ourselves the time to restore. Taking time for self-care today means you will likely feel much better tomorrow.