GON Reader Letter
One more thing regarding taking care of your hands...
Make Taking Care of Your Hands a Priority...9 Ways was posted on February 21 and one thing you missed that is really important and should be number 10 is to put sunscreen on your hands before you go outside.
I started using sunscreen every day and I am now 60+ and have NO age spots.
For your young readers - and more mature - start now. Many age spots will fade, but it is best not to get them.
-- Jocelyn Callegari
GON Reader Letter 2
How I use my phone to keep health information organized and at-the-ready
I read the reader's comment, in your May 26 ezine, about keeping up with health issue dates and I understand the problem. To help with it, I set up a note on my iPhone for my husband's doctor visits.
At the
top, I put the surgeries he has had, the dates, what it was for, the doctor's name, hospital, etc.
After that, I list each visit as it happens, with the date, why we went, who we saw, what
they said, and even if we had to pay for parking.
The most current appointment is always at the top.
When my husband was diagnosed with cancer and we were going to so many appointments, this was really useful to keep track of everything and was also useful at tax time for tracking mileage and parking.
And since I spent so much time in waiting rooms, I always had time to update the note on my phone.
-- Cheri Waites
GON Reader Letter 3
My tips on the topic of remembering to use gift cards...
You recently wrote about remembering to use gift cards in your May 16
issue. Here are my tips on this topic: 1) I write the value right on the card with a Sharpie, and update it as I use it
2) I use a plastic business card holder to hold 10 gift cards. It stays in a folder along with coupons. I have one for restaurants, and another for stores. 3) Discover Card lets you turn cash back into gift cards with a bonus that ranges from 5-20% and sometimes more. Any restaurant or store I frequent I get
these, saving me additional on every purchase.
-- Bob